SOP of a Pillar Drill

An SOP, or Standard Operating Procedure, is a set of clear instructions for doing a task safely and efficiently. It outlines each step from preparation to completion, including safety precautions and what to do in case of emergencies. SOPs help ensure consistency and quality in work.


For the past few weeks we’ve been practicing for athletics. We’ve done many different sports from running to triple jump.

Everyone was bummed about having to do athletics and having to choose the sports we would compete in. While choosing sports there was a  sport I had never heard before and that sport was triple jump, now I have never ever in my life heard of ‘triple jump’, so when I heard about it and after the teacher explained to the class what triple jump was, I took the opportunity to take on a new sport.

A week later we’d be on the field jumping into a pit of sand many many times over. After taking a 400m run as a warmup I was pumped and ready to go. Triple jump is a very confusing sport, but if I had to sum on how to do triple jump I would say something along the lines of     ‘The key to triple jump is a big hop off one foot, remember to land on one foot, then a skip and finally a jump”.

While practicing our score was taken, my scores were,
Discus: 16.35
Shotput: 6
Long Jump: 2.7
And I complete on doing triple jump, we didn’t take 100m sprints due to us practicing long jump/ triple jump.

After practicing for awhile and getting my  shoes filled to the brim with SAND I was ready for athletics the very next day.

It rained, athletics was canceled.

Man a lot of people were happy of athletics being canceled and I was one of them, athletics was moved to the next day…

It rained, athletics was canceled AGAIN.

Man I was really happy, and since the teachers were ready for athletics they had almost ZERO work for students to do.

For some reason or another we didn’t do athletics for this year, they canceled twice and never did it again (for this year).

The sports I chose were;
1. 100m sprint
2. Long jump
3. Triple jump
4. Discus
5. Shotput

Hopefully next year athletics wont be canceled.

Health – Telling people what to draw

In health after spending 15ish minutes on naming things we were told to pair up and to tell eachother what to draw.
The way you play this game is, one person gets a empty A4 piece of paper and the other person gets a random picture.
The person with the picture tells the other person wih the empy A4 what to draw, you cant tell the other person what the picure is except what lines/circles/squares/Balls etc.

I was mentaly harmed by this activity due to my partner telling me to draw a gumball.
I was phisyicly harmed due to the other across the table looking at me.
I was socially harmed by this acticity due to the difficulty of drawing a circle.

In the short term is was fun, in the long term I was permently harmed from this activity.


Health – Legal beer pong

Personal is Yourself

Interpersonal is Relationships

Societal is People other than yourself

Short term= Less than 3 months

Long term = More than 3 months

5 areas of hauora are Physical, mental, emotional, Social, spiritual, Land.

Hoops, a word that’ll be stuck in my head for years to come. Give me a minute to give some context on why this simple word would be stuck in my head, Health. In health a few days ago we played a game, a game about hoops, and with those hoops we had to jump in and out of them in a rhythm. At first I had no idea how to do it, mostly because the video we watched was useless but anyway after a little while people starting getting the hang of jumping in and out of hoops. Apparently we were doing this for a compitition but I highly doubt that, I mean like jumping in-and-out of hoops isn’t that hard. 5-10 minutes later we finished with the hoops. I’m meant to write about how my hauora was affected but even I cant remember what that is.  


Not even 3 lessons later we started a new game called water pong, if you’re smarter than a 7 year old with down syndrome you should be able to put 1 with 4 and figure out that its just beer pong except with water, except we werent even allowed to have water. So in the end we were just throwing balls in cups.

Freedom Fighters


I shall now give a brief blurb about freedom fighters;

Freedom fighters are people who fight against unfair leaders to make life better for themselves and others. They use different ways like protests or even fighting with weapons. Many see them as heroes for standing up against bad things and inspiring others to do the same. Examples include Nelson Mandela, Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King Jr. This semester we will be learning about these people and what they tried to do or succeeded in doing.

And that basically sums up what freedom fighters are and what we are doing this semester.

Salt March

The Salt March was led by Mahatma Gandhi in 1930. It was a big step in India’s fight for freedom from British rule. It was a peaceful protest where Gandhi and many others walked to challenge unfair laws. People from all backgrounds joined, showing they were united against British control. The march got attention worldwide and made others support India’s independence struggle. By making salt during the march, Indians showed they could be independent from British rules. Sadly the british soon found out about the protest and arrested Ghandi and 60,000 others. The Salt March also inspired similar peaceful protests in other countries, showing that nonviolent ways could bring change. Overall, the Salt March was a powerful symbol of India’s determination to be free from unfair colonial rule.

Gandhi Profile

Name: Mahatma Gandhi
Birthdate: October 2, 1869
Place of Birth: Porbandar, Gujarat, British India
Death Date: January 30, 1948
Place of Death: New Delhi, India

Profile: Mahatma Gandhi was a leader of India’s independence movement against British rule. He believed in nonviolent resistance and fought for social justice, equality, and civil rights. Gandhi’s campaigns, like the Salt March, inspired movements worldwide. Despite facing imprisonment and persecution, he negotiated India’s independence in 1947. He was assassinated on January 30, 1948, but his legacy of peace and justice lives on.

Key Words

Segregation – Splitting people of different color apart
Integration – Bringing people together
Racism – Treating those of different race worse than others
Discrimination – Unjust treatment of those who are a different gender, age or race
Non-Violent Resistance – Resistance but without harming/killing those who oppose
Equality – This school has none of it


Health – Bruin And Pergonjality

Somethingh somethinfg in health, then we did a pergonality test. Most people got names I cant remember, but I got Adventurer…… I sit at home for 10 hours a day playing video games. It says in 73% Introverted, I say im only about 68% Introverted. Apartently I have more feels than thought, feeling at 53%. 100% untrue, I love theorys and trying to think of awnsers to questions I dont understand. It also says I’m 55% observant, I say im about 55.81625372651532%. It also says some other stuff I;m too lazy and too tried to understand.

Speaking about personalitys. Pychopaths. We all know em, we all love em because they’re all damn murderers. Heres a little fun fact, if you show someone getting cut open while awake and pulling their guts out f their skin, they’d probably throw up, but other then creating a mess their Limbic system would light up light a christmas tree.
However, a pyschopaths limbic system doesn’t light up, want proof? Here:


now that you’ve read the whole 2 minute blog go KYS, keep yourself safe.


Aim: I want to find out how to make grape plasma




  •  Microwave
  • Any grape
  • Shot glass
  • Really sharp knife


  1. Get all your equipment ready
  2. Do surgery on the grape by cutting it in half, but not all the way through
  3. Put grappee in mirowave
  4. Put cup over the gurp
  5. Nuke the grap for 30 hours
  6. Observe.


{Insert photo of gpuare making plasma}

Write that you saw


explain what is happening inside the microwave
use words like plasma and radiation



Ball Size 3-4




Rules(or something)

When holding the ball you can only take three steps

You can only hold it for three

You can throw up to three times

To score a point you need to throw ball at rebounder and then ball needs to hit the floor

No defending passes

When a point is scored the ball is turned over to the over team

You can score at the same rebounder 3 times then needing to go to the other rebounder

You can throw at either rebounder

If ball goes out other team throws in

If a team drops the ball its a turnover

Up to seven players per team

Dilution of the Solution


I want to find out how to make a concentrated solution more dilute





  • Safety Glasses
  • Test tubes
  • Test tube rack
  • Water
  • Dropper
  • Potassium Permanganate Crystal
  • 10mL Measuring Cylinder


  1. Get your equipment ready
  2. Fill the first test tube with 10mL of water using the measuring cylinder
  3. Fill the remaining test tubes with 9mL of water
  4. Put one crystal KMnO4 into the first 10mL test tube
  5. Using the dropper, extract 1mL from the first test tube and add it to the second test tube
  6. Clean the inside of your dropper and take from the second and put it in the third and so on.



Why does it change color  in every tube?

The first tube (Darkest tube) has a crystal of Postassium Permanganate in it, taking a dropper and taking 1mL from T#1 and putting it into the second tube, which has 9mL of water would dilute the first tubes liquid and make it lighter in color and potency. Repeat steps over and over and you get the result I got.




I want to find out how to separate coloured chemicals from ink





  • Safety Glasses
  • 250mL beaker
  • Water
  • Pencil
  • Filter paper
  • Marker/felt pen
  • scissors


  1. Get your equipment ready and don’t die
  2. Add 1cm of water into the beaker
  3. Cut a strip of filter paper
  4. Draw a pencil line 2cm above the bottom
  5. Draw a coloured dot with the marker pen in the middle of the pencil line
  6. Fold down the top of the filter paper so it hooks over the edge of the beaker
  7. Put the filter paper into the water so that the pencil line DOES NOT go into the water



why does this happen?

Different ink particles travel at different speeds through the filter paper making the colors seperate.